Can you imagine the feeling one must get to see construction start on a very new HOME? To go from nothing or from living in an unsuitable shack to a brand new HOME that keeps the rain out is no small thing. There’s a sense of joy and HOPE that wells up inside. Now can you imagine construction having to stop because of unforeseen circumstances? HOPES and dreams can be lost and a feeling of hopelessness and despair can quickly take over. Thank goodness the story doesn’t end there.

About a year ago, we met Felix, 15 years, and Menzi, 3 years, at the weekly feeding program we run in Mbonisweni. After building a relationship with them, we met their mom, Ruth. Their house was just a short walk away, along the main road. One look at it, and it was obvious that it was unsuitable. It couldn’t withstand the rain. It couldn’t keep them safe at night. Unsuitable.

Construction began and shortly after, the father of the children was suddenly back in the picture causing a stir. After becoming verbally abusive with some of our building crew, the decision was made to stop construction for the safety of everyone involved.

When word reached us that Felix and Menzi’s father got sentenced to a 20 year jail term for abuse, we knew it was time bring HOPE and HOME to Ruth and finish her house. We had friends from all over the world that came and helped to complete her HOME palace. Ruth, we are so happy you feel like a queen! What a celebration to welcome HOME this family!

Special thanks to the following for being a part of bringing HOPE and HOME to Ruth…
Transportation Insight and New Hope Christian Church for your donations to build Ruth’s HOME.
New Hope Christian Church for your donation to furnish Ruth’s HOME with beds, including bedding and mattresses, as well as provide electricity for her HOME.
Our Ten Thousand Homes building crew, especially Nhlanhla, for working on the HOME.
Regenerate UK and YWAM Cluj in Romania for all the hard work you did in finishing her HOME. Ruth, Felix, and Menzi will forever remember your investment.
Thank you to all from the bottom of our hearts.