Hope All Over Our Faces

The summer month of December is a time to break away from normal activity in South Africa. Schools are closed, leaving the communities filled with young people without supervision and unsure of how to use their time. The women at Ten Thousand Homes seized an opportunity to share with the young women in Mbonisweni their […]

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Leading by Example

TTH staff member and local South African, Stanley Mbowane is passionate about discipling youth to rise up as the generation that will change Africa. As Stanley, other TTH staff, and teams from around the world pour into the youth group of Mbonisweni’s Evangelical Reform Church (ERC), the youth are growing in their confidence to impact […]

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Worldwide Worship

Ten Thousand Homes starts every Monday morning gathering together to worship as a community. TTH staff member, Keri Dodge, recently invited three of the youth from Mbonisweni to lead the worship time. We alternated singing songs in English and SiSwati, teaching each other new songs and ushering in the presence of the God who transcends […]

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Ending the Orphan Crisis as a Family

Three-year old Lifa has become a cherished and celebrated part of the Ten Thousand Homes family. Abandoned by his mother at 7-months old, Lifa was left under the care of a family from Mbonisweni by his biological father. Staff member, Kacy Chaffin began building a relationship with Lifa in March 2010 when she stayed with […]

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Seeing Double: Twins Responding to Hope and Homes

Building a house for a mother and 14-year old twins, Samkelo and Bongani, this year created a platform for discipleship. Having a secure place to live planted seeds of Hope and Home in two young men who are already stepping up as leaders in their church. They are the only men responsible for caring for […]

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Mona’s Story

I stayed with Ten Thousand Homes for a month in 2010. Before I arrived there I was nervous and had so many questions in my mind. Will they like me? Will I get homesick? What will they say when I am tell them that I am struggling with God and religion? What about the kids? […]

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