The summer month of December is a time to break away from normal activity in South Africa. Schools are closed, leaving the communities filled with young people without supervision and unsure of how to use their time. The women at Ten Thousand Homes seized an opportunity to share with the young women in Mbonisweni their value and show them positive ways to use free time. Staff members, Kacy Chaffin and Mimi McMillian, invited the young ladies over for dinner and “girl time” with no set agenda. Everyone was thrilled as the night took off with watermelon and cucumber facials, an art project and worship music. With cucumbers on their eyes, the young women dreamt together of positive ways to spend a holiday season that often takes a dangerous turn in South Africa. As they talked about baking, avocado facials and painting toenails, one of the youth shouted, “This is going to be the best December ever!” It was truly a joyful night as relationships grew deeper and the young women saw a new side of hope through cucumbers and giggles.
Hope is not something you can see, but something you can choose to hold onto. Whether your December will be extra busy or extra slow, giving the ways you spend your time to God and the relationships He’s given you will manifest who He is in your holiday season. Pray for the young people in South Africa this month. Many will not be surrounded by the Christmas message or an overwhelming presence of family. Pray for protection against alcohol-inflicted abuse and temptation. As you pray for these young people, think of one person in your life who needs a taste of hope for the holiday season. As Kacy and Mimi did with the young ladies, be an example by showing one person a positive way to use their time. You can shine a light on hope, whether you put cucumbers on your eyes, bake Christmas cookies, or watch a game together.