The Impact of COVID-19 on Kids Globally

I haven’t been inside a building since March 16th. These were the words uttered by one Texas teen recently. Shelter in place orders and lockdowns have dramatically changed our way of doing life. Some kids have moved to online learning while others don’t have schools that can provide that service. Introvert kids may love being […]

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Activities To Keep The Kids Busy

March 14th, uVillage, our partner location in White River, South Africa, held its 5th Day of Royalty event. It’s such a fun time where all the kids in the feeding program there are bused onto the uVillage campus for a day where they can just be kids to laugh and play! Stations are set up […]

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Our Response to COVID-19

Your inbox, like mine, has likely been flooded with emails regarding COVID-19. Rightfully so. We are in crazy times that most of us thought we would never see or experience in our lifetime. As we navigate these uncharted waters from the isolation of our homes, we want you to know how Ten Thousand Homes is […]

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Impact of Building A Home: From The Eyes of a Volunteer

The past couple of weeks we’ve posted stories of the impact of building a home. From the recipient to the builder to the donor to the entire community, everyone is impacted in some way. Jane’s house build brought together people from all over…from builders like Steve Bishop to children who pushed wheelbarrows to donors living […]

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Impact of Building A Home :: From The Eyes of The Donor

April 2018, we handed the keys of Jane’s new house over to her. You can read the full story here. Read this moving interview from Keith Crosby, the one who spearheaded the fundraising efforts to make Jane’s dreams possible. How did you hear about the opportunity to build a house for someone? Jeremy (one of […]

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The Impact of Building A Home :: From The Eyes of Kids

When we built Jane’s home in April of 2018, people came from all over to help with the construction. One family from Switzerland spent several months with us and were on the ground during the time of the house build. At the time of construction, Laura, age 8, Irina, age 7, and Elio, age 5 […]

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