A HOME for Winnes

We walked the path up the mountain, arms loaded with blankets and hearts heavy with sadness at what took place there just a couple of weeks earlier. There wasn’t a dry eye around as Winnes’ auntie recounted the terrible events for us.

It was a day like any other. Winnes was across the road at her aunt’s house. She had a full view of her home at the top of the mountain. That’s why there was no doubt in her mind that the flames she spotted were coming from her home. Can you imagine the emotions coursing through your body when you remember that your mom was inside the home?

By the time Winnes and her aunt got there, it was too late. Winnes’ mom died in the fire. In an instant, all her belongings, her shelter, and most importantly her mom, her last living parent, were gone.

The local municipality set up a temporary tent to provide some kind of shelter for Winnes and her older brother, Christopher, but it was not safe for a ten year old girl.


Two months after meeting Winnes, Ten Thousand Homes was able to give her and her brother the gift of HOME. It wasn’t just any HOME but a HOME with a spectacular view. One look at Winnes and you see that her pain is still so very raw and real. We pray, in the midst of healing, that the gift of a physical HOME would be a daily reminder of God’s unfailing love for her.


HOME is more than 4 walls and a roof but it starts there…



Thank you to Transportation Insight for providing the funds to build a HOME for Winnes and Christopher.