Checking Our Perspectives

Terence Joseph is visiting Ten Thousand Homes with a team of young adults from around the world. He has been making a difference since his arrival in South Africa! “On our very first day of ministry, we went on a prayer walk through Mbonisweni in teams of two, plus a local church member. It was […]

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An Old Friend Becomes a New Creation!

Ten Thousand Homes staff member, Carla Shaw became friends quickly with Ncobile 2 ½ years ago after climbing up a mountainside to meet this single mom, who had just delivered a baby alone in her unfurnished shack. Carla and Ncobile have been pressing into God’s word together for the last two years. God’s word has […]

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Paving the Way for Miracles

As you read through the Gospels, you always see Jesus giving thanks to God before a miracle happens. Examples are when the multitudes were fed with a few loaves and fish, when Lazarus was raised from the dead, and before Jesus was crucified and then rose again. Giving thanks somehow prepares the way for God […]

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Sealing the Cracks

After seven months of learning, growing and adding one piece at a time, the Evangelical Reform Church in Mbonisweni has completed a masterpiece! Every month this year, TTH staff member Kacy Chaffin has taught the church about who they are in the Family of God. Kacy challenged them to know and believe in the health, […]

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Leaving a Trail of Grace

Former staff member, Keri Dodge left South Africa with a bang by hosting an end of the year worship night for the youth in Mbonisweni. Ten Thousand Homes has poured into this specific group of young people all year, believing that Hope and Home grows out of discipleship. We had a tremendous and Spirit-filled night […]

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Holding Nothing Back

The Sizinani Home-Based Care workers from Dwaleni are full of joy at the end of a year of selfless giving, generous loving and serving the poor, orphaned and vulnerable without pay. Ten Thousand Homes recently celebrated these special women with an appreciation luncheon at our property, University Village. TTH staff, community members and the volunteers […]

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