A Bishop and his lads.

For the second year in a row our friend Steve, from YWAM Holmsted Manor in the UK, came for a visit and brought some friends. He simply put the word out that he was going to Africa to build a house and if you were keen..”meet me at the airport!” And we are very glad […]

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Dreams Become Reality

In the beginning of Ten Thousand Homes, as I would imagine with any ambitious endeavor, there was a desire to “make today count.” As we jumped off the cliff, so to speak, we were living as though this was our only shot. It was great, and our passion for making an immediate difference grew. As […]

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Kenya & Uganda

Kenya & Uganda An interview with John Shaw So John, you recently came back from a trip to Uganda and Kenya. How was it? “Great.” What was the purpose of your trip? “The purpose of our trip to Kenya and Uganda was to connect. We (TTH) have been supporting a couple of projects in Kenya […]

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Social Events

Social events A core value of life at Ten Thousand Homes is the championing of, and investment in, people. Whilst this emphasis on people is reflected through the work of our various ministries, it also corresponds to our own community at TTH HQ. We recognize that before we can give out effectively, we must first […]

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Welcome HOME Mama Charity!

Mama Charity grew up in Mbonisweni, a township just outside of White River, South Africa. She was part of a large family and was labeled the black sheep of the family. Her parents drank, and her Mom would repeatedly lock her out of the house. They didn’t even welcome their own daughter into their home. […]

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Siyabonga : 2013 Review

    Siyabonga! Thank you! Thank you for being a part of an incredible year! Love, The Ten Thousand Homes crew  

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