When a home is built for a vulnerable family, it’s an unforgettable experience that impacts everyone involved. Meet Miguel Schlereth, a friend of Ten Thousand Homes who has traveled to South Africa to help with 5 different home builds.
how did you hear about ten thousand homes?
Around the year 2016, I saw on Facebook that my “friend and hero” Steve Bishop had just come back from South Africa. He had been there to build a house with a team of men that he had put together, and my first thought was, “How can I get on this action?” Doing something like that had always been on my mind, I just had no idea how to go about it. I immediately contacted Steve and asked him about his trip and that is when I learned all about TTH and the work they do.
Having spent some time in South Africa previously and being a country that we have some family ties with, it was then that I knew I had to be a part of it somehow.
why did you first decide to join a home-build team?
I am a carpenter by trade and I have worked in the construction industry for over 15 years, so I was happy for the chance to put my skills to work in service of others. I have always had an inclination to build things with my hands and to be very practical when helping others. I would rather dig a ditch than type and email any day! And to top it all off, I get to spend a week with great people and have a great time while building the house.

how many homes have you helped build with tth?
If my math is correct and if you can call my contribution “help”, then I have been a part of five home builds (2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023). I am sure that some of the team members will argue that sometimes my contribution is more of a hindrance than HELP! (LOL!)
what has kept you coming back?
Experiencing firsthand the impact that these humble homes have on the receiving families and communities. It is hard for me to put into words the sense that someone’s quality of life is improving massively, and you had a small part in it. It is a rewarding feeling that is very hard to beat!
I will continue to try to be involved (and drag others into it) for as long as I can.

how has building homes in south africa impacted you personally?
It has given me perspective and appreciation for the things that we have and sometimes take for granted (family, health, work, a home, etc.).
I have also been tremendously inspired by the stories and lives of the people that I have met (TTH staff, other members of the team, people from the communities where we build, etc.) and it has taught me to live with a sense of gratitude and hope!
is there a specific home build that stands out to you?
In 2018 I had the opportunity to go with my Dad and build a house together, working side by side with the man who taught me many of the very skills I was using in the service of others (that being the most important value my dad has instilled in me).
Since we live almost ten thousand km away from each other (he in Argentina and me in Canada), we don’t see each other that often. That particular trip was a great way to spend some quality time with him, doing something that would leave a legacy in someone’s family and life for years to come. It was one of the best memories I have with my dad!

interested in helping build a home?