As you read through the Gospels, you always see Jesus giving thanks to God before a miracle happens. Examples are when the multitudes were fed with a few loaves and fish, when Lazarus was raised from the dead, and before Jesus was crucified and then rose again. Giving thanks somehow prepares the way for God to move. I believe there is an offering of gratitude and thanksgiving that we need to make that will pave the way for the last $30,000 to come in for University Village. We need to celebrate the $45,000 we have seen come in this past month! We need to thank God for what he has done, is doing, and will do through Ten Thousand Homes in the future.
As an act of faith, we challenge you to post on the Ten Thousand Homes Facebook page (or tweet, blog, or post on your FB wall) about one thing you are thankful for involving TTH. Maybe you have spent time with us in South Africa and God has transformed your life and perspective through interacting with the kids at the feeding programs. Maybe you’ve grown in your walk with God through our Discipleship Training School. Maybe you have heard someone share about TTH and you’ve caught a glimpse of God’s heart for the orphaned through their stories. As you proclaim this offering of thanksgiving, continue to believe with us for God’s miraculous provision for our property.