A friend recently shared a story with me about something special God was doing in her children’s lives as they learned about the work of Ten Thousand Homes. Her children, ages 5 and 8, were saving up their money for a certain item. Everything changed when they heard about the orphaned children Ten Thousand Homes ministers to. With childlike faith and incredible perspective, they said, “The children in Africa need this money more than we need the toy we’ve been saving up for.” In addition to donating the money they worked hard to save, the oldest child did extra chores so she would have more money to give. These precious children placed their donation in an unmarked envelope because they wanted their gift to be given secretly.
My friend was so excited to see her children thinking beyond themselves and looking to the needs of others. We can all learn from the example of sacrifice and generosity that these children have given us. This week, set aside some money or time that you normally spend on yourself and find a creative way to bless someone else through your sacrifice. Whether you give up your Starbucks or take the time to cook a hot meal for a neighbor, you will find there is so much joy in putting the needs of others before yourself.