Igniting a Spark (3/19)

Have you ever had a moment when, out of the blue, your heart is stirred in an unshakeable way? That’s what happened when co-founder, Jeremy Price, shared about Ten Thousand Homes at St. Luke’s Methodist Church in Lubbock, Texas. The home building stories lit a spark that couldn’t be extinguished.

200 kids attending Vacation Bible School made it their goal to raise $5000 to build a home for a family in need. The kids got so excited that the parents and other adults joined in, and when that $5000 goal was met, a new opportunity presented itself. “Raise money for two houses, and I’ll shave my head,” the music director said. The kids gladly accepted the challenge and saw over $12,000 come in that Summer.

Thanks to those 200 kids from Lubbock, Texas, two homes were built for families in South Africa.

Jeannette, a single mother of four, had lost all hope and felt forgotten…until she became the proud owner of a new home. Read her story here and see how she’s doing two years later.

Joseph developed lung cancer from working in the mines. As a single father and primary caregiver of his nieces, he feared what would happen to the girls when he passed away. Now that they have a safe place to call home, he no longer has to hold on to that fear. Read Joseph’s story here.

Those kids from West Texas will likely never meet Jeannette and Joseph, but their impact will never be forgotten. No matter how old you are, you never know what will happen when you do something about a spark stirring in your heart.

by Jennifer Price

Join a global community that’s committed to providing proper housing and nutrition for more families like Jeannette’s and Joseph’s.