Terence Joseph is visiting Ten Thousand Homes with a team of young adults from around the world. He has been making a difference since his arrival in South Africa!
“On our very first day of ministry, we went on a prayer walk through Mbonisweni in teams of two, plus a local church member. It was very exciting to see how different it is to evangelize and talk to people here, compared to The United States. The highlight was sharing with two girls we met sitting on the road. Emily shared about Jesus, her best friend. The girls knew about Jesus, but I think they realize now that He wants a relationship, and He cares about them. Both were ready to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I led them through a prayer, and Stanley handed out Bibles. We were very thrilled that God worked through us and won two more souls for God’s Kingdom! Praise the Lord!”
Your perspective matters. Terence saw more than poverty on an afternoon walk through Mbonisweni. Emily saw two girls who didn’t know that Jesus could be their best friend. What kind of difference could we make for the Kingdom of God if we choose to see through God’s eyes? As Terence and his team continually transform South Africa with their hearts set on hope, pray for them as you change your perspective too. Pick one seemingly mundane daily task to give to God. Let driving to work, cleaning the kitchen, or walking the dog be transformed by prayer, worship or simple thanksgiving every day this week. Find a creative way to infuse your earthly tasks with heavenly perspective.