Buy a brick.
Build a future.

It costs $10 to buy a brick, $12,000 to build a home.

100% of Buy a Brick donations go towards providing home for the most vulnerable.

An estimated 1.6 billion people lack proper housing.

Since 2005, we’ve partnered with local leaders in developing nations to identify vulnerable families and provide safe homes where they can thrive.

A safe home doesn’t just provide shelter – it builds hope, provides opportunities, and restores dignity to families.

“I’ve been living in a bad condition with my children for so long…I am happy beyond happiness…I feel like I am becoming a human being again. Now I have a proper shelter where my children and I can all live together. And now I can even find jobs that aren’t close to here, knowing that my children are in a safe place.” – Joyce

Buy a Brick and build brighter futures.

“To know that a family in great need got a home they desperately needed was a feeling indescribable in words. I think about my family and what it would feel like to have that same need and the stress of not being able to provide and what a blessing it is to be able to come together with others and allow God to bless them.” – Keith, Buy A Brick donor

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    Ten Thousand Homes
    P.O. BOX 860152
    PLANO, TX 75086-0152