You built a home and a future for Joseph and his family. This was a significant project, and we are grateful for your generosity. Check out your impact below!



Meet Joseph

Joseph is a single father who also took on the care of his nieces when his sister passed away in 2020. Joseph has struggled to make ends meet for his family, as he is battling lung cancer developed from working in the coal mines. As his illness progresses, his primary concern is for his girls. Without a place to call their own, he feared what their future may be.

Over the years, Joseph and his girls have moved from rental to rental, sometimes being evicted without notice. In their most recent rental, the girls stayed in a single cement block room and Joseph was living in a shack built onto the side. With his pension money, Joseph bought a plot of land and hoped that one day, he could build a permanent, safe home for his family.

You have been the answer to the prayers of this father. You have provided Joseph not only with shelter, but with the assurance that, no matter what happens, his girls will always have a home of their very own. Thank you.

Location: Msogwaba, Mpumalanga (South Africa)

Explore the map below to see the area where the home was built! Please note that this map highlights the community – it does not show the exact location to protect the family’s privacy.

Welcome home!

Maybe you missed the welcome home party live stream, or just want to relive the moment. Either way, it’s here for you to enjoy.

Photo Gallery

Thank you for providing a safe home for Joseph and his family!

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