Take Action #GivingTuesdayNow

Today is #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of unity and action in response to COVID-19. GIVE NOW We at Ten Thousand Homes are asking you to join a global community with #GivingTuesdayNow. The donations received on this day will go toward bringing relief to the frontline workers serving these vulnerable communities. 

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COVID-19 Relief Fund

Today, as I sit here and write this from my new suburban life in Texas, the governor is easing the ‘shelter in place’ restrictions that we’ve been under for the last ‘roughly’ 6 weeks.  With this easing of restriction, we decided to get crazy and order out for our Friday Pizza Night.  I ventured out, […]

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East African Chapati Recipe

One of the best things on visits to East Africa (besides the people) is the chapati. It’s delicious, and you can find it everywhere. If you ask a local how to make it, they’ll tell you, but it will sound something like this… Mix some flour with water and a little salt until it feels […]

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The Circle of Kindness

November 2016 the staff of uVillage in White River, South Africa felt challenged to practice a week of intentional generosity by doing random acts of kindness. They practiced kindness with themselves, each other, and complete strangers. Their journey led them to the local police station where they delivered a case of sodas. The station commander […]

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South Africa: COVID-19 Food Parcels

“We didn’t know what we would eat tonight. We are grateful.” These were the words a mother spoke as a food parcel was set at her door. While making deliveries, we saw and heard firsthand the struggles that families are facing right now. Many have lost their sources of income during the country-wide lockdown, which […]

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Food Deliveries in Kenya

With our feeding programs closed, it’s spurred everyone on to think about how we can respond in this moment to meet the needs of the local community. It has started with identifying the most vulnerable who need basic food supplies. Antony, in Nairobi, Kenya, takes us on a video tour of what they are handing […]

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