Behind the scenes at the After School Programs

  Smiling kids. Plates of food. Fun activities. All of these things paint the well-known picture of the After School Programs that we help facilitate in Clau Clau and Embonisweni. But providing a place where children feel safe, receive a nutritious meal, and have space to learn and grow starts long before they set foot […]

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A day in the life of an SOS’er

We absolutely love having people from all over the world join us for a Season of Service, our short-term volunteer program. These individuals come to South Africa with a heart to serve, and words can’t say how much we appreciate them. Over the past month, we’ve had the privilege of hosting Juliana, Lara, Damaris, Isabela, […]

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Threads of Hope || Gloria’s Story

“During my childhood I played with a doll, and I made clothes made from plastic bags for it; I also used old rags. And you won’t believe this, I used a stick to knit those clothes together.” Gloria Malope is a seamstress who has been connected with Ten Thousand Homes since 2008. Her creative spirit […]

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